
Newsletter April 2019

Security fence for round shapes. The impossible is possible. Especially for revolving doors and other preformed situations where security is required. Due to the unique

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Innovation shutters
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Newsletter February 2018

Stackdoor wins international innovation prize and gives away security fence. While the R+T fair in Stuttgart in which Stackdoor is participating this week is in

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Shops around the corner

“The baker on the corner” and other shops are synonymous with the SME in the Netherlands. Entrepreneurs who are prominently visible with a building in

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Aldi Gorinchem renewed

Supermarket Aldi  in the Gorcumse Gildenwijk (shopping center) has been expanded considerably. The Kwakernaat  shopping center has expanded by more than 700 square meters. Stackdoor

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Apples and pears

Beautiful system, but what is the price of a roller shutter? Let’s be honest, how often do we think that. What we often do not

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