Burglar-resistant, transparent roller shutter at Juwelier de Eenhoorn in Schoonhoven

Burglar-resistant, transparent roller shutter at Juwelier de Eenhoorn in Schoonhoven


Juwelier de Eenhoorn is an established value in Schoonhoven (The Netherlands). He offers stylish jewels. But jewelry also poses a security risk. We all know that jewellery is also very popular with people with less good intentions. It therefore goes without saying that the security grille of the shop window must form a solid burglar-resistant barrier.


Jeweler de Eenhoorn, however, got yet another challenge. Just as in more and more European cities and municipalities, in Schoonhoven the municipality has also set requirements with regard to the transparency of security roller shutters for retail buildings. Transparent roller shutters would increase the feeling of safety in the shopping streets.The well-known boxes of rolling shutters on the outside are also no longer allowed. In addition to the burglar-resistant protection of the display window, the new rolling shutter also had to meet the new requirements by the municipality in terms of transparency. Since the rolling shutter still had to be replaced anyway, the aesthetic aspect could also be taken into account.


The Stackdoor stacking grille met all requirements: the view is larger than with rolling gates and because the installation space is minimal, the grille could easily be placed indoors. This makes it even more difficult for burglars. The shop window forms an extra security barrier that further impedes access to the security grille in the event of burglary attempts. The choice was made for a colour coating (powder coated) which is in harmony with the interior of the store.

This project was carried out in collaboration with

This project was carried out by our own placement team.

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