Innovation shutters

Newsletter February 2018

Stackdoor wins international innovation prize and gives away security fence. While the R+T fair in Stuttgart in which Stackdoor is participating this week is in full swing, Stackdoor was crowned the winner of the international innovation prize on Monday evening. The security fence we developed, which now protects countless facades and entrances against burglary, convinced the jury to unanimously choose Stackdoor. We are extremely proud of this recognition and it encourages us all the more to keep innovating. The highest burglary resistance, the most beautiful design, compact installation options and maximum reliability are and will always be our aim. Gert Wiggelinkhuijsen, director
Meldt je aan voor een gratis Stackdoor beveiligingshek  
No. 1 prize winner in the “doors and gates” category. The jury took the decision unanimously and called the choice for Stackdoor “easy”. In any case, it is noticeable that Stackdoor is different from other security fences. Instead of the fence rolling up, it piles up using a special technique. As a result, the fence has a much higher burglary resistance, minimal installation space and can be used in any shape compared to the competition. According to the jury, the decision was made quickly and unanimously. Tammo Schut, inventor of the Stackdoor: “The feedback from the jury stated that the decision for awarding the Stackdoor was no surprise.” Of the 170 entries from 14 countries, 30 nominees were allowed to present themselves to the jury. Stackdoor is now number 1 with 8 other winners in other categories. Innovation: R+T trade fair The R+T award was presented for the tenth time this year. The R+T trade fair has been around for more than 50 years and has grown over the years into one of the world’s leading trade fairs for roller shutters, gates and sun blinds. The fair is in the Messe in Stuttgart (Germany) and will last until March 3, 2018.

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