Burglar-resistant roller shutter at electrical store Scheer & Foppen in Epe

Burglar-resistant roller shutter at electrical store Scheer & Foppen in Epe


Scheer & Foppen in Epe (The Netherlands) is an electrical shop where audio, video and household appliances are central.


The products in an electrical shop are unfortunately also very popular with burglars. But they are also just those kinds of products that you also want to show to passers-by after closing time. That is why the customer was looking for a roller shutter with which the shop window can be secured in a burglar-proof way after closing time, while passers-by can still admire the displayed goods in the shop window undisturbed.


The choice was quickly made for this customer. The shop window can be effortlessly closed in one whole with a straight Stackdoor® Standard security folding grille. Stackdoor® is burglar-proof and was placed on the inside of the display window in this arrangement. That makes it doubly difficult for potential burglars to attempt to force or lift the grille. In addition, a Stackdoor® is a transparent roller shutter (more than 82% transparency) which guarantees the visibility of the goods in the display window.

The Stackdoor® was made of galvanized steel. Although the customer did not opt for this in this project, with a Stackdoor® Corner it would even have been possible to include the two corners that form the indentation of the entrance door in one whole. Placing the security fence on the outside was also a possibility.

This project was carried out in collaboration with

This project was carried out by our own placement team.

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